Cornell Math - MATH 661, Fall 1999
MATH 661 — Fall 1999
Introduction to Geometric Topology
Instructor: James West
Time: TR 2:55-4:10
Room: Malott 206
This will be an introduction taught at a level consistent with the background of the students in the course. (For example, any algebraic techniques will be given a self-contained treatment.)
Contents are negotiable, but regarded as a first course in topology after the basics (connectedness, compactness, metric spaces) acquired in an analysis course, one (overfull) outline might be as follows:
The plane:
The Jordan Curve Theorem
The Schönflies Theorem
Knots I (Geometric)
3-manifolds (Introduction)
Where the Wild Things Are:
Antoine's Necklace
Fox-Artin Arc
Alexander's Horned Sphere
Generalized Schönflies Theorem
Knots II (Various geometric and algebraic invariants associated to knots)
More about 3-manifolds.
Variations might include:
If the class is interested in Complex Dynamics and Hubbard-Douady Matings of Julia Sets, we could substitute a proof of R.L. Moore's Theorem (characterizing those mappings of the 2-sphere whose images are 2-spheres) and its application for some of the 3-dimensional topology.
On the other hand, if the class wants to jump right into knot theory, and is willing to tolerate a "quick and dirty" intro to homology as a geometric tool, we could spend the whole semester following Lickorish's An Introduction to Knot Theory (Springer GTM v.175) as far as we can.