Cornell Math - MATH 653, Spring 1999

MATH 653 — Spring 1999
Differentiable Manifolds II

Instructor: James West

Time:  TR 2:55-4:10

Room: WE 310


We will generally follow The Text by Boothby which is being used in 652 this fall, until we finish it. The topics from Boothby will include: Tensor Fields, Differential Forms, Integration on Manifolds (including Stokes' Theorem, de Rham cohomology groups and some immediate applications such as the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem and the nonexistence of nowhere vanishing vector fields on even-dimensional spheres), Riemannian Manifolds (including Covariant Differentiation, Connections, and Curvature). If time then permits, we may sample lightly any of several other topics of interest to the class for which we will then have the background.