Andrei Maxim
Ph.D. in Mathematics (May 2007)

First Position
Assoc. derivatives analysis, Goldman Sachs, LondonDissertation
Aspects of the Finite Element Method for Elliptic Partial Differential EquationsAdvisor
Research Area
Numerical solutions of partial differential equations
Results in two different areas of the finite element method are proved.
First we study an a posteriori error estimator for second-order elliptic problems. The estimator is based on the equilibrated residual method. We prove that this estimator is asymptotically exact on O(h1+α) meshes.
Second, we study the approximation properties of the Morley element for the plate bending problem with clamped boundary conditions on a convex domain with smooth curved boundary. Building on the work of Schatz, we establish localized pointwise error estimates for the second derivatives. In the process, we also derive global and local error estimates in L2-based norms.