The Department is saddened by the passing of our friend and colleague Roger Farrell

Our friend and colleague Roger Farrell passed away on Thursday morning, September 28, 2017. Roger's work was in the application of decision theory methods to statistical problems.
He wrote two textbooks: "Multivariate calculation - Use of the continuous groups" in the Springer series in Statistical Sciences and "Techniques of multivariate calculation" in the Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics series. Four of his 34 papers were joint with Larry Brown, a 1964 Cornell Ph.D. student of Jack Kiefer.
Roger earned his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1959 working with Donald Burkholder. His dissertation is titled "Sequentially Determined Bounded Length Confidence Intervals".
He joined the Mathematics Department at Cornell as an Instructor in 1959, teaching analytic geometry and calculus in his first year here. He was promoted to Assistant Professor in 1961, Associate Professor in 1963 and Full Professor in 1967. He served as Associate Chair from 1975-77 and became Professor Emeritus in 1999. He is survived by his wife LeMoyne. We will keep you informed of any details regarding a service.